Which do you think does a better job of connecting with each company’s core customers while reaching out to new shoppers?

Interactive Edge’s CEO, Zel Bianco comments:

They are both very well done, but I would say the Amazon commercial is more effective at showcasing the entire process of selecting an item on your phone and having it go through the chain of delivery to the end-receiver. What is unique about this spot is that the packages become human while not diminishing the actual human touch both in the sender and the receiver of the gift. Very clever. Does it connect to new shoppers? Yes I think so.

The Walmart commercial also did a good job of making sure it was cast appropriately and very inclusive of all while making sure that their key selling point — free delivery and no membership fee — is communicated clearly.

The Amazon vs. Walmart battle will be interesting to watch this month.

The RetailWire Christmas Commercial Challenge: Amazon vs. Walmart