DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: What role does storytelling around acts of service, like the tire story, play in creating a culture focused on customer happiness? Is it both possible and smart to build a retail customer service culture similar to Nordstrom in this day and age?

Interactive Edge’s CEO, Zel Bianco comments, featured on RetailWire’s Braintrust:

Storytelling is as old as listening to your grandparents recount stories of your parents and their siblings. It stays with you for years and allows you to pass the stories on to your children and grandchildren. Retail needs more storytelling as it allows the retailer to engage and in a way that is challenging to do online — regardless of influencers. Sometimes the old way of doing things seems to be the right way. It can give a warm and fuzzy feeling and, if done in a sincere way, can build the trust and loyalty that Nordstrom has become expert at.

Read the entire article at Retail Wire: