Technology is a prominent part of the workday, and it shapes how we communicate with our coworkers.  While some might see this reliance as isolating and impersonal, others argue that technology increases overall productivity and improves individual efficiency.

The workforce is now a global one, with time zones and office hours that are often completely irrelevant to what needs to get done. Because of mobile technology, such as laptops and smartphones, answering an email from the couch late at night or early in the morning is possible, allowing employees to get work done at times that would have been impossible a few years ago.

Flexibility helps when it comes to employers and employees who want to achieve a healthy work-life balance.  Mobile technology allows work to be done when there is an opening in the schedule, instead of simply within the confines of the 9-to-5 workday.

"You might be on a conference call with Europe in the wee hours and have to get your kids to a soccer game in the afternoon. You can do it working virtually, and there's real value in accommodating that employee need," says Keith Ferrazzi, a bestselling author with an expertise in business.

If you are looking for ways to free up your time, XP3 is a great tool to streamline tedious tasks. The hours you save can then be devoted to more valuable tasks, such as strategic insights. Take a look at the rest of our website to learn more about the services we offer to our clients.

Categories: Data Analysis