When your sales team is in the field, the last thing the members want to deal with is data that is incomplete or irrelevant for the work they are trying to do. Fortunately, that is no longer the case with the data management software available from Interactive Edge. This will allow you to use the effective data to better improve the sales force productivity of your company.

Here are a few ways you can get the right data to your field sales team:

Automatically update charts and graphs with the most recent data

Old data is not useful, and the information could be changed and updated at any given time. Fortunately, with Interactive Edge, the charts and graphs created are automatically updated when new information is available, saving the field sales team time and frustration.

Create dynamic text that automatically populates headlines and key takeaways

Life on the road can be chaotic and is not always the best environment for those trying to read and absorb complex calculations and charts. The software from Interactive Edge allows those back in the office to highlight key points and crucial takeaways.

Focus your scope on the most relevant analytics

Let's face it, not all information is going to help the sales team meet their goals. That is why you can focus your scope on only relevant analytics, so the field sales team can quickly consult the data, knowing only what they need will be there.

If you are looking for ways to be creative with data, contacting Interactive Edge is a great first step! Take a look at the rest of our website to learn more about the services we offer to our clients, which will give you more time to focus on your most important business objectives.