Which traditional IT functions should stay in-house vs outsourcing to the cloud?

Interactive Edge’s CEO, Zel Bianco comments:

It does make sense, however it is important to retain at least some of the IT folks who understand the legacy systems so that the transition is smooth. It is good to hear that that many of the Meijer IT folks have been hired by the cloud firm. It does make sense to have the retailer turn their attention to other, more critical areas, but if the transition to the outside services are chaotic, then valuable time and resources are wasted. I agree with Tom Dougherty, let the experts in cloud or application development do what they do best. Whenever we get pushback that something like what we offer is being handled by IT, the result almost always comes up short, and they end up coming back to us after a year or two of poor results and a lot of time and money spent. Let me be clear, IT plays an incredibly important role, some of which cannot be outsourced, but there are areas that can and should be. Cloud and application development are two areas that should always be explored.

Meijer cuts IT staff as it moves to the cloud