Do retailers need to make price optimization a priority right now?

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Will the COVID-19-driven shift to online shopping accelerate the adoption of dynamic pricing and use of price optimization tools? What do you see as the advantages and potential challenges of using such technologies to address consumer demands for pricing transparency? Interactive Edge’s CEO, Zel Bianco comments, featured on Read more…

Will its values-based approach turn Hive into an e-grocery powerhouse?

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: How would you rate the potential appeal of Hive’s value-based approach to merchandising and marketing its business? Are there opportunities for other grocers to do more to help consumers make purchases based on their values? Interactive Edge’s CEO, Zel Bianco comments, featured on RetailWire’s Braintrust : This is Read more…

How crucial is last mile fulfillment to 7-Eleven and the c-store channel?

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: How important is last mile fulfillment to the evolution of convenience stores? Where do you see the biggest opportunities and challenges facing convenience retailers implementing various forms of pickup and delivery services? Interactive Edge’s CEO, Zel Bianco comments, featured on RetailWire’s Braintrust : I agree with David Naumann. Read more…

Are employees or execs holding back data-driven cultures?

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Are employees or c-level executives putting up greater resistance to creating data-driven cultures and organizations? Is data quality or some other factor the bigger issue, and how should companies address these issues? Interactive Edge’s CEO, Zel Bianco comments, featured on RetailWire’s Braintrust : If so, they are doing Read more…

C-stores focused on being even more convenient during the pandemic

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: How may c-stores have to reposition themselves or tweak their offerings amid the pandemic, and possibly after? Should they concentrate investments and efforts more on their product mix or omnichannel upgrades? Interactive Edge’s CEO, Zel Bianco comments, featured on RetailWire’s Braintrust : C-stores with gas pumps have a Read more…

Learn about AI success from execs who are getting it right

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: How would you prioritize developing an artificial intelligence strategy amid competing priorities in the current retailing environment? How do you think retail executives should set the tone for AI in their businesses? Interactive Edge’s CEO, Zel Bianco comments, featured on RetailWire’s Braintrust : The most important piece of AI Read more…